Security Alert / Scam Alert

Be cautious of unsolicited SMSes/Messages purporting to be from Chailease’s panel solicitors.

We have been notified that a number of our customers/partners have received text messages that appear to be from Chailease’s representative acting/disguising as our solicitor. They may even inform that you have been summoned for civil suit or criminal charges and will direct you to a certain officer for any queries. These text messages may carry a bit.ly where you would be directed to a personal Whatsapp chat and/or suspicious hyperlink/webpage when you click on that link.

We would like to caution our customers/partners that these messages are not sent by Chailease or any of its panel solicitors and we urge you to report to us and the nearby police station should you be a recipient of these text messages. Please continue to remain vigilant and do not respond to any suspicious messages you receive and when in doubt, please contact us at the details below for verification:

Contact Number: +603-7666-0888
Email : general@chailease.com.my


How to protect yourself

  • Never reveal your personal and bank account details such as ATM/debit/credit cards numbers, PINs, IAC (Internet Authorization Code) to anyone.
  • Scammers may use Caller ID spoofing technology to mask their actual phone numbers and display a different number.
  • Contact us immediately if you detect any suspicious transactions.
  • National Scam Response Centre (NSRC) hotline number is 997.
Contact us
General inquire:
9:00am-18:00pm (Mon-Fri)
Chat with us:
Customer Center:
Become our Partners: