Re: Letter of Consent for Disclosure of Credit Information
 Pursuant to the Credit Reporting Agencies Act 2010 (“Act”),
 I (Name/Company Name):
 of NRIC/Company Registration No:
 do hereby give consent to
 To obtain and/or disclose any Credit Information (as defined in the Act) relating to me from and/or to
 Experian Information Services (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, CTOS Data Systems Sdn Bhd, Credit Bureau
 Malaysia Sdn Bhd
, FIS Data Reference Sdn Bhd or any source deemed appropriate to verify my credit
 history as you and/or Experian Information Services (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, CTOS Data Systems Sdn Bhd,
 Credit Bureau Malaysia Sdn Bhd, FIS Data Reference Sdn Bhd or any source deemed appropriate may
 deem fit under any applicable law, regulation, guidelines, regulatory requirement or directive in relation
 to my credit application or transaction with you for the following purposes (but not limited to):

 – Opening of account – Debt recovery purposes
 – Credit evaluation – Scoring Solutions
 – Credit/account review – Employment evaluation
 – Credit/account   monitoring – Legal documentation and/or action consented to
  a contract or facility granted

 Waive all my rights and shall indemnify Chailease Berjaya Credit Sdn Bhd, Experian Information Services
 (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, CTOS Data Systems Sdn Bhd, Credit Bureau Malaysia Sdn Bhd and FIS Data
 Reference Sdn Bhd from any legal actions arose pursuant to the exercise of any/all activity stated above
 by Chailease Berjaya Credit Sdn Bhd, Experian Information Services (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, CTOS Data
 Systems Sdn Bhd, Credit Bureau Malaysia Sdn Bhd and FIS Data Reference Sdn Bhd.
 This consent shall remain applicable as long as I am maintaining an account/loan/credit/any transaction
 with you.

 _______________________                                                        _______________________
 (Signature)                                                                           (Signature)

 Company Stamp: 
 Company Stamp: 
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