1. Objective
The Company is committed to ensure its business and operations are conducted in an ethical, moral and legal manner. In line with this commitment, the Company has put in place the Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure (WBP) to provide an avenue for all staff, interns, contractors and/or vendors to disclose any illegal, unethical, questionable practices or improper conduct committed or about to be committed within the Company. The disclosure shall be treated in strict confidence and without any risk of reprisal.
2. Scope of Reporting
Any irregularity and improper conduct, including but NOT limited to the following:
• Dishonest, fraudulent, corrupt or illegal practices;
• manipulation of accounts;
• unethical behaviour;
• abuse of power;
• violation of laws and constitution;
• conflict of interest;
• Improper use or falsification of management and financial information;
• Misuse of company’s property and information;
• Bullying, Harassment, Sexual Harassment; or
• Intimidation
• Dishonest, fraudulent, corrupt or illegal practices;
• manipulation of accounts;
• unethical behaviour;
• abuse of power;
• violation of laws and constitution;
• conflict of interest;
• Improper use or falsification of management and financial information;
• Misuse of company’s property and information;
• Bullying, Harassment, Sexual Harassment; or
• Intimidation
3. Reporting Procedure
To report any irregularity/ misconduct committed or about to be committed (including any criminal offence), a whistleblower is required to provide the relevant details in through an e-mail
to whistleblowing@chailease.com.my. The whistleblower is responsible to ensure that the disclosure is made in good faith, free from malicious intent and is not for personal gains. This procedure strictly prohibits frivolous, vexatious, mala-fide, bogus disclosure for personal gain or with personal agenda. This is also not a channel for taking up any personal grievances.
If the subsequent investigation reveals that the disclosure was made with malicious intent, appropriate action can be taken against the whistleblower. Alternatively, a whistleblower may also lodge a report with the police, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption commission (MACC) or any other enforcement agency as defined under the Whistleblower Protection
Act 2010 and forward a copy of the said report to the Company to enable the Company to conduct its own internal investigations.
to whistleblowing@chailease.com.my. The whistleblower is responsible to ensure that the disclosure is made in good faith, free from malicious intent and is not for personal gains. This procedure strictly prohibits frivolous, vexatious, mala-fide, bogus disclosure for personal gain or with personal agenda. This is also not a channel for taking up any personal grievances.
If the subsequent investigation reveals that the disclosure was made with malicious intent, appropriate action can be taken against the whistleblower. Alternatively, a whistleblower may also lodge a report with the police, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption commission (MACC) or any other enforcement agency as defined under the Whistleblower Protection
Act 2010 and forward a copy of the said report to the Company to enable the Company to conduct its own internal investigations.
4. Protection for the Whistleblower
Whistleblower should be protected for reporting any actual or suspected improper conduct upon demonstrating sufficient basis for whistleblowing. The Company and/or employee shall not take any detrimental action against the Whistleblower in any manner, explicitly or implicitly.